Understanding The Cremation Process

Cremation is becoming increasingly popular in the UK. This article provides an in-depth look at the cremation process and what to expect.

Cremation is becoming increasingly popular in the UK. This article provides an in-depth look at the cremation process and what to expect.

Cremation Process: Step by Step

The cremation process involves several steps, each carefully designed to ensure dignity, respect, and efficiency. Here is a detailed breakdown of the typical cremation process in the UK:

1. Approvals and Paperwork: Before a cremation can occur, the necessary paperwork must be completed. This includes obtaining a medical certificate, registering the death, and applying for a cremation permit from the local authority.

2. Preparation of the body: The deceased is carefully prepared for cremation. Any medical devices or prostheses that may interfere with the process are removed. The body is then placed in a simple coffin or container suitable for cremation.

3. Identification and labelling: To ensure traceability, the coffin or container will be marked with a unique identification tag. This tag accompanies the remains until the final disposal of the ashes.

4. Placing in the cremation chamber: The coffin or container is placed in the cremation chamber, which has been preheated to 1,400 and 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (760 to 982 degrees Celsius).

5. Cremation: High temperatures reduce the body to ash, typically taking 1 to 3 hours, depending on weight and cremation chamber size.

6. Cooling and handling: The ashes can cool for some time after cremation. Once cool, a strong magnet removes any metal remnants, such as dental fillings or surgical implants.

7. Ash collection and pulverization: The remaining ashes are carefully collected from the cremation chamber and processed into a fine, uniform powder using a cremation machine.

8. Transfer to an urn: The ashes, typically weighing 4 to 6 pounds (1.8 to 2.7 kilograms), are placed in a temporary container or urn of your choice, ready for final burial according to the family's wishes.

Simple cremation: A cost-effective, hassle-free option

Simple cremation, also known as direct cremation, is a hassle-free option that has become popular recently. With this option, cremation is performed without a prior memorial service or ceremony, making it a cheaper and simpler alternative to traditional funeral arrangements.

A simple cremation focuses on the cremation itself rather than additional services such as a funeral, wake, or elaborate memorial service. The deceased is usually cremated, and the ashes are handed over to the family within a few days.

Basic cremation packages usually include essential services such as:

1. Collection and transportation of the deceased

2. Completion of necessary paperwork and approvals

3. A simple cremation container

4. The cremation process itself

5. Placing the ashes in a simple urn or container

Many funeral homes offer simple cremation packages for a fixed price, making it easier for families to budget and plan. By 2024, the average cost of a simple cremation in the UK will be between £1,000 and £2,000, depending on the provider and location.


Cremation is a very personal choice that provides families with a flexible, affordable and dignified way to memorialize a loved one. When families understand the cremation process and options, such as simple cremation, they can make an informed decision that best suits their needs, preferences and budget. As cremation remains the preferred burial method in the UK, working with a reputable funeral director who prioritizes transparency, compassion and professionalism throughout the process is essential.